Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Philosophy Club Fridays

Just to remind anyone who is interested, any Friday throughout the fall and winter terms that does not have a visiting or departmental speaker scheduled is available for student presentations. Dan had a great idea about scheduling undergrad or grad philosophy debates on some of these Fridays, and I know that some grads and undergrads have expressed interest in giving a paper.

There's really no restriction on what these Fridays are for, so if you have an idea and would like to schedule something, just let me know- or better yet, post about it here on the blog. Dan, Wes and I can arrange the room, publicity and refreshments.


Advice on Grad Study in Philosophy


Grad Conferences

I know a lot of you have excellent papers sitting around. It would not hurt to submit them to these conferences. The conferences are an excellent way for you to meet other students that share your interests, get acquainted with a potential PhD program, meet important philosophers, improve your cv, and grow as a philosopher! So please submit if you have something that meets the submission guidelines. And if you don't have something that meets the guidelines, you'll need something like that sooner or later anyway.

More Grad Conferences: Princeton/Rutgers

The 2009 Princeton-Rutgers
Graduate Philosophy Conference

We invite submissions of high quality papers by graduate students to a
conference, to be
hosted on March 28-29, 2009, by Princeton and Rutgers Philosophy

We welcome papers of very high quality in any area of mainstream
academic philosophy.
Papers accessible to a general philosophical audience will be favored.
Papers should not
exceed 4000 words in length and be prepared for blind refereeing.

Keynote Speakers:
TBA (Princeton)
Jeff King (Rutgers)

Submission Deadline: January 15th, 2009
(Notification of Acceptance by February 9th, 2009)


Submission Guidelines:
Please send the following to prconf2...@gmail.com (as separate
attachments in .doc or
.pdf format):
I) A cover letter containing the following information:
(1) author’s name
(2) title of paper
(3) institutional affiliation
(4) contact information (email, phone number, mailing address)
(5) word count
(6) the area(s) of the paper (e.g. metaphysics, epistemology,
ethics, etc…)
II) The paper itself, with a title page containing the title of the
paper and an abstract of no
more than 150 words. This file should be free of identifying

All questions concerning the conference should be sent to

More Grad Conferences: CUNY

CUNY Graduate Student Conference 2009 - Call for papers

The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, 12th Annual Philosophy Graduate Student Conference
April 17 & 18, 2009

The conference will be held at the CUNY Graduate Center, in New York City, on Friday April 17 and Saturday April 18, 2009.

Keynote Speakers:
- April 17, Elizabeth Harman, Princeton University
- April 18, Ted Sider, New York University

Paper submissions are invited from graduate students in all areas of philosophy.

Papers should be approximately 3,000–4,000 words, suitable for a 40–45 minute talk. Papers should have a cover page with the author's name, address, school, and email address. Please specify the philosophical area the paper falls under and include a brief abstract on the second page.

The deadline for submissions of papers is January 15, 2009.

Please email submissions to CUNYgradconfere...@gmail.com, as .txt, .rtf, .doc, or .pdf attachments. Please use the subject heading 'Conference Submission'.

The conference organizers will arrange accommodation with CUNY Graduate Center students for visiting participants.

If you have any questions, please email Jake Berger or Monique Whitaker, at CUNYgradconfere...@gmail.com

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Call for Undergrad Papers

*Call For Papers*

*Hermes* , the University of Ottawa's undergraduate philosophy journal, is
seeking submissions for its Canada-wide edition in Spring 2009.

· Essays should be no longer than 5000 words

· All areas of philosophy will be considered

·Submissions may be written in either English or French

· Citations should be in MLA format

· On a separate page, please include the following:

Your home university, year of study, mailing address, email, phone number,
and a short summary (100 words max) of your field of interest within

*Interested applicants should send both a hard and soft copy (Microsoft Word
or compatible format, via email) to*

Undergraduate Philosophy Students' Association

Attn: Hermes c/o Department of Philosophy
University of Ottawa
70 Laurier Avenue East, Room 234
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 6N5

Email: upsa.hermes@artsuottawa.ca

Submission deadline: *February 20** th**, 2009*

UMass Metaphysics Grad Conference

*/March 28th, 2009/, UMass Amherst, Amherst, MA

*Keynote Speaker*: Stephen Yablo

*Call for Papers*: The organizers of the UMass Amherst Graduate
Conference in Metaphysics invite graduate students to submit excellent
papers in metaphysics, broadly construed. This includes metaphysics
proper, as well as topics in philosophical logic, philosophy of mind,
and meta-ethics. Papers should be no more than 4'000 words, be prepared
for blind review, include an abstract of no more than 150, together with
a separate cover page with full contact information and a word count.
Submissions should be sent via e-mail to umassmetaphys...@gmail.com
(PDF, DOC or RTF format) no later
than *DECEMBER 1, 2008*.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Call for Papers: COLUMBIA/NYU 9th Annual Graduate
Conference in Philosophy to be held MARCH 7th, 2009
at NYU.

The keynote speaker will be Karen Bennett [Cornell University]

The graduate students and faculty of the Philosophy Departments of
Columbia and NYU invite papers by all graduate
students in any area of philosophy.

Papers will be accepted until December 31st 2008

Papers must meet the following requirements:

1. All papers must be between 3,000 and 5,000 words in length and
suitable for a presentation of 30-40 minutes.
2. Papers must be submitted with an abstract no longer than 300
3. Papers must be submitted electronically in blind-review format to:
www.philcolumbia.com/gradconf . No submissions by mail or email
will be accepted

for more information please visit our website at
www.philcolumbia.com or email us at: ehs...@nyu.edu